Hitting the bear

Two women were raking up the hill near Poljane. They had a few things with them, including a churn, a rucksack and some fried pastry and suddenly saw something resembling a pair of trousers. One of the women initially thought it was her boyfriend, a forester. But then they both realized it was actually a bear making its way to the rucksack, which wasn’t event theirs, but their neighbour’s. The bear tore it apart and destroyed their lunch. The woman chased him, because she wanted to have the rucksack back – at that time it was very rare to have it. The woman caught up with the bear and started to hit it with her rake; she didn’t even think it would fight back. But the bear soon started to growl and went up the hill. Up above was an old man screaming about the bear below, but all the men there just fell silent. The woman was hitting the bear without actually being aware of it. It was the first time she saw it.

Collected by Milena Ožbolt: ANDREJEVA stopinja: folklorne pripovedi iz Loške doline, Blok, Loškega Potoka in okolice Cerkniškega jezera ter Babnega Polja; Ljubljana: Kmečki glas, 2004, p. 267.

Sǝm medvajda tjepla

Smo ble pa jest pa še ena z-vasi, smo grable guarǝ pǝr Polanah. Tam je bieu ograbǝk, mje smo imajle tam tisto kangǝlco, rusak pa tašce ze malco. Kar ankrat pride tam ze smrajko , kǝ de bǝ ble ene hlačǝnce. Jest sǝm misǝlna, de je ta, k-je bieu ze logarja. No ja, najsǝm bla  uožienena, vieza je pa bla.  Sǝm rjekla:
»Kaj se-uš skrivou, saj te vidmo!«
Se pa uozrem, je šu pa čez uograbǝk pa mjedvǝd, pa direkt h-tismǝ rusakǝ! In še tistǝ rusak naj bieu naš, je bieu sosajdou! No, in je use reztargou! In tisto našo južno je use reztargou! Jest sǝm šla pual pa ze nǝm – mjen je blu ze rusak,  kǝ naj bieu naš, tǝkat po uajskǝ se naj dobilu. Sǝm do tisga medvajda pǝršla, jest sǝm ga toukla z-grablamǝ, vajš, sploh sǝ najsǝm misǝlna, de bǝ mǝ kaj nariedu! No, in je pualaj šu, pual je zečiel pa rienčat!… Guar je šu, taku.  No, guar nad namǝ je bieu pa s-Kozarǝšč en star možakar, je pa odkazvou, pa še edǝn pa so kǝrčalǝ: »Mjedvǝd, mjedvǝd!«
Pual so pa kar utihǝlnǝ tistǝ moškǝ …
Ja, tǝkat sm ga tjepla. Se najsǝm sploh zevajdala.
Tǝkat sǝm ga neparvu vidla.