The central living area of the brown bear population spans across the entire area of Loška dolina, so its presence here is permanent.
The central living area of the brown bear population spans across the entire area of Loška dolina, so its presence here is permanent.
It astounds us with its appearance; it is, however, a timid animal that generally avoids humans. In Slovenia it holds the status of protected species.
Closed lookout hideouts with a big panoramic window are located a few meters above the ground. An experienced guide will be with you throughout the entire session.
Loška dolina is located on the southernmost edge of Slovenia. It is surrounded by the largest concentration of uninhabited woodland area in Central Europe. The place represents an ideal habitat of numerous animal species and it is only about an hour away from Ljubljana. Experienced guides will take you deep into these forests, where you can safely observe the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in its natural environment – the forest.
A brown bear observation tour takes place from May 15th until the end of September. Suitable for adults and children over 10 years of age. There can be a maximum of four adults in the group. An experienced guide will be with you throughout the entire session. Advance booking required.
All our programmes are equipped with a “bear-friendly” label. The programmes are based on the principles promoting coexistence between bears and humans. Your participation contributes to the ongoing conservation of the brown bear and its habitat.
Brown bear observation programmes are included in a unique cross-border tourist programme EXPLORE THE WONDERNATURE, taking place in Green Karst in Slovenia and Gorski Kotar in Croatia.
For many of you, the highlight of the evening will surely be the moment, when you quietly sit in the hunting hideout in the middle of the forest just a few meters above the ground and observe the animals coming close – a brown bear will be one of them.
The probability of seeing a brown bear is very high. Be aware, however, that the brown bear is a wild animal and its movement or presence below the hunting hide can never be predicted with an absolute certainty.
Upon entering the forest, you must be well aware that it is primarily a habitat of numerous animal species. You have to behave in a way that does not disturb or agitate the animals. Brown bear observation is always a special, wholesome experience. In order to make it pleasant and successful as well, follow the recommendations and instructions you will be given by the staff in TIC Lož and the experienced guides.
V soboto sva se s sestro udeležili organiziranega opazovanja medveda preko vašega TIC centra. Najlepše bi se vam rada zahvalila za res lepo doživetje. Videli sva kar 3 krasne kosmatince, ki so se zelo dolgo zadrževali na jasi in so naju navdušili. Res lepa izkušnja videti medveda v naravnem okolju!
We were lucky yesterday as we saw 4 bears when we arrived, before heavy rain and storm… We would like to thank you for your welcome and also your guide who was very kind and gave us many interesting explanations about bears and wildlife in Slovenia. We spent a very nice tour and we would be glad to go and see bears again.
Once again, many thanks for the unforgettable Bear watching experience which my wife and I got in Lož a couple of weeks ago. Give my best regards to both our guides and… to the family of bears, of course! Looking forward to more opportunities to see you again in the future.